Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Religious Blurb.............
Hi All Welcome to my domain! I want to first tell All of you that I do not consider myslef a religious person rather a spiritual one. I enjoy questioning everything and anything that could bring up a good constructive conversation.I have been a blogger for quit some time but chose to make a new one specifically for this class.
I have a few blogger friends and channel around various ones and I came across one blog that I visit everyday. I will share this blog with you b/c as I say I am not a religious person but this blog makes me question myself. To give you a heads up its a family that gave birth to a baby boy Isaac Leino who was born this year in March with HLSH (a rare heart condition) they are practicing Christians and their faith makes me question mine everyday so go visit this blog read every entry and you will understand what I mean then come back to my page here and read the questions I ask myself everyday after reading the Leino's blog.

Questions:1. Why is it that I can complain about the littlest day to day things when this family lost their child and still has faith?

2. Their "Saviour" took their child and they were greatful for this because their child was not in any pain. Does anyone really think like this??

3. To see their faith and see what they ahve been through always makes me think is there really a "GOD"

These are my thoughts on a constant basis after reading their blog entries I leave their page in tears and feeling sort of bad that i feel the way I do. Is this wrong to question my faith on a day to day basis? I dont really know but any and all suggestions will greatly be appreciated.

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