After learning about Mohandas Gandhi, in what ways do you think he practiced Hinduism? What parts of Hinduism did he emphasize? What parts seemed less important to him? Would he consider himself a good Hindu? Would you agree with his self-assessment? Based on both the material in your textbook and the film we saw in class, reflect on these questions and then answer them in a well-developed essay for one of your blog posts this week
Gandhi practiced Hinduism the way he felt best. Gandhi did not praise gods he preached for peace and non-violence He would not be considered a good Hindu b/c he did not follow the traditional laws. Gandhi has stated he did not think he was a good Hindu. What Gandhi is known for is his non-violent protests. Gandhi was agianst the caste system he felt everyone should be treated equally as a person. Gandhi would be considered a peace maker. He practiced unselfishness and was totally devoted to his belief's as he understood what a good Hindu should be.
He continuosly fasted, and was being arrested for his protest and beleifs. This was a man who truly believed in trying to change his people. He not only made an impact on his people but Mahandas Gandhi is known all over the world for his efforts for non-violence. Some of our greatest leaders like Martin Luther King took on some of Gandhi's teachings. This was a man devoted to making a change and he did.
Interesting analysis. So he was a good man, a good leader, a good Indian, but not a good Hindu?
Yes, I personally think he was a good man but within the Hindu tradition he did not follow Hindu laws if people thought he was the perfect Hindu why was there such controversy?
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