The most recognized symbol of Judaism is the six pointed Star of David. Jewish legend says that a Hebrew king named David went into battle with the hexagram on his shield. When Jews were minorities in Christian and Muslim nations, they were forced to wear the star on their clothing to identify themselves.
Beleifs of Judaism is God, Commandments, Covenants, Humanity, Marriage, Sin, the "Messiah", on Earth, After-death, Creed of the Jews. The Torah is the most holy book of Judaism The Talmud is another holy book in Judaism. The Talmud is a collection of the laws and customs of the Jewish people. Their holiest period is the weekly Shabbat, which lasts from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday other important Jewish holidays include Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (a Day of Atonement or confession), Simchat Torah (celebrating receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai), Chanukah (a celebration of a military victory), and Passover (a remembrance of the time the Hebrews lived in Egypt).
I think Orthodox Judaism is a very strict religion. I can not believe they actually follow all 613 laws. I feel like i could never convert into Orthodox Judaism. It would be to hard for me to try and follow all the laws when I have been living my way for years. It would be a definate culture shock and totally different way of living. I have alot more respect for them now than i did. To know they obide by so many laws and follow through on a daily basis deserves the utmost respect.
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