The Hindu temple Chonte and I went to is called BAPS Shri Swaminharayan Mandir, located at 556 Yonkers Ave in Yonkers, NY. We didn’t know what to expect when we arrived it was a new building very nicely kept and very quiet. Once we entered we introduced ourselves to the clergy man Sudhil Patel. We were instructed that if we were to go into the temple we needed to take our shoes off.
The temple was very vibrant, colorful, and quiet. Straight ahead were two statues of spirit gods, Lord Sami Nariyan and Bjatjumahraj they were dressed in bright yellow clothing, They are consider saints or guru’s and they are never associated with money or women. The other gods that are praised are Bhagatju Manharaj, Shashtriji Manharaj, Xogiji Manaraj, and the most important Pramukhswami Maharaj because he is still alive. He is in the picture above and is 87 years old. We were informed he stayed in America for 120 days this year and showed in the temple in Yonkers.
The clergyman also informed us that in the morning the saints get bathed, teeth brushed, clothing change and fed breakfast, lunch, and dinner they also get water every hour and offered fruits at 3:30pm everyday. On the stage where the saints were located were three individuals on the floor playing mini drums. They were chanting songs and chanting the gods names, the woman on the floor were bowing their heads and clapping in tune. The smells are calming like inscents burning and colorful flowers all over.
Women are not allowed to sit with the men during a ritual or any kind of service. The men are located closest to the stage and the women sit behind them between a divider on the floor. While we spoke with the clergy the ritual was in process. He informed us that the priest lives in the temple and they have a service everyday one at 7am and one at 4:30pm. Inside the temple was like a mini community they had a convenient store, like a thrift shop that sold books, food, and clothing.
What amazed me is when we were leaving the clergyman’s grand-daughter looked at us as if we were monsters and asked him what we were doing there. He stated to her we were there for a school project and wanted to know about Hindu religion. She asked him why we wanted to learn and ran off. I got a sense that this religion is very accepting but overall not many “outsiders” or people who look different are a part of this congregation.
I was very nice going to the temple with you staci. It was very intersting also. I think I really pissed the cleargy men off when I asked about the caste system. lol
Could the granddaughter have been shy or was she clearly giving you a reaction as non-Hindus?
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